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/ Quote - Elettroniche / SME



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Original price Eur: prezzo al momento della prima uscitaprice at the moment of the first output
Quote: quotazione possibile del prodottopossible product quotation
Estimated Price Eur: è il prezzo che il prodotto dovrebbe avere oggi, calcolato con un’inflazione media del 2%, dall’anno di produzione, fino all'anno corrente.It is the price the product should have at present, calculated with an average inflation of 2%, from the year of production to the current year.
Quotazioni in Eur 2013Quotation at 2013 in Eur
Note in rosso a cura della RedazioneNotes in red are by the Editorial Staff.
La nostra opinione / Our opinion(Good Object) - (Very Good Object) - (Recommended) - (One of the Best, Recommended)


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Pic Model Year Type Original price Eur Quotation Eur Estimated price Eur
SME 309 309 2012 Arm precision, interchangeable shell 2.420 900-1000 2.468
SME 310 310 2012 As 309 but with a barrel length of 10 cm pollici/25 2.475 900-1000 2.525
 SME 3009  II EARLY 3009 II EARLY 1972 tonearm               30 130-330 68
 SME 3009  II LATER 3009 II LATER 1972 tonearm               90 200-380 203
 SME 3009 R 3009 R 1980 tonearm            270 130-330 519
 SME 3009 S 2 Improveed 3009 S 2 Improved 1973 tonearm               40 130-330 88
 sme 3009 S3 2 3009 S III 1978 tonearm            105 20-220 210
 SME 3009 S 3 S 3009 S III S 1980 tonearm            180 20-220 346
 SME 3012 I aerly 3012 EARLY 1958 tonearm               35 150-250 104
 SME 3012 R (2) 3012 R 1972 tonearm            200 310-410 450
 SME 3012 RG 3012 RG 1972 tonearm            300 310-510
 SME 3012 S II 3012 S II 1980 tonearm 310-510
 SME 3012 S II LATER 3012 S II LATER 1985 tonearm 310-400
SME 309 309 GD 2012 As model 309 but with gold lettering 2.765 1050-1150 2.820
SME 312 s 312 S 2012 As 309 but with damper FD-IV with gold lettering 3.905 1500-1600 3.983
Pic Cinghie 2012 belt for turntable10-20-30 59 60
Pic Disco Strobo 2012 Disco stroboscopico per controllo velocità giradischi 71 72
Pic FD 2013 2012 Damping fluid to lift arm 38 39
Pic FD 5908 2012 Syringe with fluid damping for arm IV e V 82 84
 SME IV IV 1988 tonearm         1.000 900-1100
SME IV D IV D 2012 As IV whit shell intercambiabile 3.605 1300-1450 3.677
Pic M-10 2012 Precision Arm , magnesium rod, interchangeable shell for Model 10 2.420 850-950 2.468
SME M2-10 M2-10 2012 Arm-barreled straight stainless steel shell intercambiable10 pollici 1.280 450-650 1.306
 SME M2-12 M2-12 2004 Arm-barreled straight stainless steel shell intercambiable12 pollici         1.370 490-690 1.637
SME M2-12 R M2-12R 2012 Arm 12-inch angled, interchangeable shell 2.670 1000-1070 2.723
SME M2-9 M2-9 2004 Arm-barreled straight stainless steel shell intercambiable 9 pollici         1.250 450-650 1.494
SME M2-9 R M2-9R 2004 Arm 9-inch angled, interchangeable shell 2.430 900-1000 2.904
SME model 10 Model 10 2000 Precision Turntable, 33/45/78 giri 6.535 2430-2630 8.454
Pic Model 10 A 2012 Precision Turntable, 33/45/78 giri, con braccio SME 10 8.745 8.920
Model 20 1993 turntable         5.000 2350-2550
 SME model 20-2 Model 20/02 2004 turntable         8.590 3330-3530
SME Model 20-12 Model 20/12 2007 Precision Turntable, 33/45/78 giri, senza braccio       18.660 7580-7780 21.014
SME model 20 12 a Model 20/12 A 2004 Precision Turntable, 33/45/78 giri, con braccio SME 312 S 23.490 7580-7780 28.073
SME Model 20-3 Model 20/3 2012 Precision Turntable, 33/45/78 giri, senza braccio 11.660 5000-6000 11.893
SME Model 20-3 A Model 20/3 A 2012 Precision Turntable, 33/45/78 giri, con braccio SME V G print 16.520 6000-7000 16.850
Pic Model 30 1992 turntable       15.000 7120-7320 22.735
SME Model 30-12 Model 30/12 2004 Precision Turntable, 33/45/78 giri, senza braccio 39.665 14000-15500 47.403
SME Model 30-12 a Model 30/12 A 2012 Precision Turntable, 33/45/78 giri, con braccio SME V 12 46.515 17000-18500 47.445
SME Model 30-2 Model 30/2 2004 Precision Turntable, 33/45/78 giri, senza braccio 30.515 10000-12000 36.468
 SME Model 30-12 a Model 30/2A  2004 turntable + arm       46.000 20000
Pic Pipetta 2012 Corner connector for arms IV e V 110 112
Pic Record Clamp 2012 Record Clamp per M-10 290 296
Pic Record Clamp 2012 Record Clamp per M-20 340 347
Pic Shell 1252/10 2012 Shell for arm  M2-10 195 199
Pic Shell 1252/12 2012 Shell for arm  M2-12 195 199
Pic Shell 1252/9 2012 Shell for arm  M2-9 195 199
Pic Shell 1252/IV-D 2012 Shell for arm  model IV D 220 224
Pic Shell 1252/M10 2012 Shell for arm  model 10 220 224
Pic Shell 1252/V-D 2012 Shell for arm  model V D 220 224
Pic Shell 3951/10 2012 Shell for arm 310 220 224
Pic Shell 3951/12 2012 Shell for arm  312 220 224
Pic Shell 3951/9 2012 Shell for arm 309 220 224
Pic Shell S2-R 2012 Shell for arm  3009  S2 IMP e M2 12R 235 240
SME V V 1987 Precision Arm with magnesium barrel 1.500 1400-1600 2.510
SME V 12 V 12 2009 Precision Arm with magnesium barrel 4.980 2170-2370 5.391
SME IV D SME V karat gold V 18 Karat Gold 2009 Precision Arm with magnesium barrel 4.980 2170-2370 5.391
SME V D V D 2012 Arm precision barrel with magnesium 5.135 1950-2100 5.238
SME V  G Plated V G plated 2012 As a model V but goldy 7.300 2850-3000 7.446
SME V G print V G print 2012 As a model V but with gold lettering 5.175 2000-2100 5.279




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