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MSB Technology



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Original price Eur: prezzo al momento della prima uscitaprice at the moment of the first output
Quote: quotazione possibile del prodottopossible product quotation
Estimated Price Eur: è il prezzo che il prodotto dovrebbe avere oggi, calcolato con un’inflazione media del 2%, dall’anno di produzione, fino all'anno corrente.It is the price the product should have at present, calculated with an average inflation of 2%, from the year of production to the current year.
Quotazioni in Eur 2013Quotation at 2013 in Eur
Note in rosso a cura della RedazioneNotes in red are by the Editorial Staff.
La nostra opinione / Our opinion(Good Object) - (Very Good Object) - (Recommended) - (One of the Best, Recommended)


MSB Technology

Pic Model Year Type Original price Eur Quotation Eur Estimated price Eur
Plat. Data CD IV Plat. Data CD IV 2011 CD Player 5.040 2600-2800 5.244
Platinum DAC IV Platinum Dac IV 2011 DAC (One of the Best, Recommended) 8.790 4400-4600 9.145



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